Saturday, May 14, 2011

You Know You Need to Loose Weight When...

The "fat pants" you bought when you reached your previous high weight are starting to make a muffin top. *gag* 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I've decided I need to start purging everything again. I'm at my highest weight EVER and this is unacceptable. For years, I have tried to either eat healthily to maintain my weight or to loose healthily. However, I have never been able to do either. I need to loose weight and restricting/fasting/binging/purging (exercise, laxatives,diuretics) are the only ways I know how. I need to fit into a size 00 by Comic Con (August 11-14). I have no idea what I would currently be because I refuse to by new clothes from my old fat clothes, so I just wear really ill-fitting stuff.